Community Deck

    Orb Order

    Final Orb Order

    Deck Complexity

    Additional Deck Tags

    1 Player Scenarios
    2 Player Scenarios
    4 Player Scenarios
    12 Player Scenarios
    1 Player Featured Community Scenarios
    2 Player Featured Community Scenarios
    4 Player Featured Community Scenarios
    Unfeatured Community Scenarios

    SMJ Codes can't be used in-game!

    Valid in-game code.

    Valid in-game code.

    Valid in-game code.

    Deck can be used to complete the highlighted Achievements:
      It's the Shoes
      The Forgemaster's Legacy
      The Root of All Hope
      Guiding the Darkness
      Draconic Desolation
      The Tools of Ultimate Destruction
      The Rainbow of Power
      A Wrinkle in Time
      Never Thought of Him
      The Long Journey Home
      A Force of Nature
      Not Even My Final Form
      Forest for the Tree
      A City Strongly Compact
      A New Sun
      With Your Shield, or on It
      The Nightmare's Nightmare
      Ruthless Green Plague
      Burning Crusade
      Frost Rescue Team
      It's the Player, Not the Cards
      Corporate Downsizing
      Protection Racket
      I Believe I Can Fly
      An Ill-fated Expedition
      Makeshift Defender
      Urban Planner

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